Thursday, November 5, 2009


If you don't have Tivo (or DVR or some other alternative), then I must are really missing out.

If you do have TiVo, then you probably wish there was TiVo everywhere...including on the radio (you know you've had a time or seven where you wish you could replay something.)

Here are my Top 6 reasons to have TiVo.

1) You won't be married to your TV.

2) Enjoy the freedom to watch a show when you want.

3) You don't have to wait until the commercial to go pee, get something to eat or drink, or help your kid wipe his butt while he's on the pot (sorry, but those with little ones will understand.)

4) When your kids are screaming and you miss a line or two, TiVo allows you to rewind and try it again.

5) Hate watching commercials? Record your show and watch 20 minutes after it started, and then fast forward through them!

6) I don't know anyone who has it and say, "Yeah, I could really do without the ability to pause my TV. I like seeing how full my bladder can get."

And if you act now, give them the promo code: "Sorry I'm late to the party", and they will gladly hook you up.

You can thank me next time you see me.


  1. i love our dvrs. we are never completely caught up on our shows, but that means we always have something to watch. :)

  2. directv just sent us an updated tivo/dvr box. unfortunately, it's been sitting unopened in the family room for 2 weeks because we can't catch up on the stuff that continues to record on our current box! ah, the dilemmas.....

  3. We have an old TiVo box in our living room, a DVR in our master bedroom and a DVR in our guest room (commonly referred to as Grammy/Papa's room).

  4. We have three HD TVs with DVR on all, with different programs set to record on all, most 2 at a time. We are addicted and looking for a 12 step group; that is after we get caught up on our 172 hours of backed up programs. EZ/GP
